Name of the organization : Aga Khan Foundation –
First Micro Finance Agency
Type of organization : | Microfinance Institution |
Legal Status : | Microfinance Program |
Name of Country Program Manager: Anthony Githinji | |
Contact information Contact person : Physical address : Right Wing Postal address : Telephone : | |
Anthony Githinji Westlands,Mpaka Plaza, 3rd floor, | |
P. O. Box 13149-00100, Nairobi 254-20-4451346-8 |
Fax : Email : | 254-20-4451349 |
To reduce poverty, diminish the vulnerability of poor populations
and alleviate economic and social exclusion. We aim to help
people become self reliant and eventually gain the skills needed
to graduate into the mainstream financial markets.
To be recognized as the leading microfinance services provider
contributing to poverty alleviation and economic development
through the provision of sustainable financial services primarily
targeting at the micro and small businesses and households.
Products and services
Financial services – Loans for:
• Farming
• Animal husbandry
• Business enterprises
• School fees
• Asset Financing
Non Financial services:
• Credit Process training
• Business skills training
• Market Linkages
Target group
Target clients are economically active entrepreneurs and farmers
in rural areas with established businesses. AKF-FMFA promotes
accessibility to microfinance services that support income
generating activities. Clients must be organized in a registered
Branch networks
Kwale office:-
Postal address: | P. O. Box 216 Kwale |
Physical address: Kwale Town | |
Telephone: Email: Mariakani office:- Postal address: | 020-8012376 |
P. O. Box 335 Mariakani C/O CRSP Mariakani | |
Physical address: FMA House, along Mombasa Highway | |
Telephone: Email: Murang’a office:- Postal address: | 2466290 |
P. O. Box 1166, Muranga | |
Physical address: Muranga Country Council Building, 3rd Floor | |
Telephone: Email: Kerugoya office:- Postal address: | 060-2031288 |
P. O. Box 363, Kerugoya | |
Physical address: Kerugoya Ndande Building next to Muhigia | |
SACCO,1st Floor, left wing 060-31288 | Telephone: Email: Kwale office:- Postal address: |
P. O. Box 216, Kwale | |
Physical address: Diani-Makuti, Teacher’s SACCO Building | |
Telephone: Email: | 020-3520238 |
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