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Name of organization : Business initiatives and Management
Assistance Services. (BIMAS)
Type of organization : MicroFinance Institution
Legal Status : NGO/Company Ltd by Guarantee
Executive Director: Patrick Gathondu
Contact information
Physical address : BIMAS Complex off-SHELL petrol
station Majengo Area Behind
Chief Camp (Embu)
Postal address: P. O. Box 2299. 60100 Embu
Telephone : +254-068-31645
Wireless: +254 20 303570169
E-mail address : info@bimaskenya.com
Contact person : Patrick Gathondu
To be the leading Micro Finance institution in Kenya
BIMAS exists to offer innovative financial and non financial
Services to the rural economically productive poor for sustainable
Wealth creation.
Core Values
The core values of Bimas include Caring, Integrity, Accountability and
Innovativeness. The overall goal of BIMAS is to realize sustained economic
growth and employment in the rural sector resulting in enhanced social
welfare and increased income of the rural population in Kenya. This
ultimately reduces poverty and improve people’s wellbeing sustainably.
Target Group
BIMAS targets economically active poor people with a specific focus
on women and youth. Our focus on women and youth increases their
participation in economic activities and access to resources through
microfinance and educating them to influence how they utilize their
resources, BIMAS seeks to increase the likelihood of clients investing their increased disposable income in the well-being of their children.
BIMAS is governed by a 9 members Board drawn from the community.
The members bring in diverse experiences and skills in banking and
finance, community development, business institutional development,
accounting, law and small and micro-enterprise development. Gender
balance is taken into consideration in the composition of the Board.
The Management team is composed of the Executive Director who is
the Chief Executive, The General Manager Operations, Finance, Human
Resource, ICT Manager, Legal and an independent Internal audit manager.
BIMAS holds an annual client consultative forum where the Board, client
representatives and senior staffs in BIMAS meet, to listen to views from
our clients on how to improve products and services. The forum reviews
the provision of products and services and plan for the future. The key
purpose is to receive feedback to enable better planning of efficient
delivery of services.
Products and services
Business loans
Consumer loans
Agri-Business loans
Social products
Loans management.
Why Choose BIMAS
• Competitive interest rate with no hidden charges
• Flexible repayment period
• Flexible collateral
• Efficient service delivery
• Friendly and professional staff at your service
• Clear recording and tracking of all transactions
• Service delivery to clients at their convenient place.
Regional branches
Head Office
Postal address: P. O. Box 2299. 60100 Embu
Telephone : +254-068-31645
Wireless: +254)0203570169
Fax : (+254)068-31645
E-mail address : info@bimaskenya.com
Website: www.bimaskenya.com
Embu office
Tel Aviv Plaza-near urban primary school next to Neema Plaza
Branch Manager number-0720211623
Nairobi office
Enkei Center-Ngara-same building with KCB
Branch Manager number 0729376778
Nakuru office
Uchumi House next to Tuskys Supermarket
Branch Manager number-0721616273
Marimanti office
Next to KNUT office
Branch Manager number-0722960709
Maua office
Next to Forester Fashion
Branch Manager number-0714396224
Nanyuki office
Behind IBIS Hotel.
Branch Manager number-O711738631

Machakos office
Kinyali Building-behind Equity Bank
Branch Manager number-0728812157
Nyahururu office
Mbaria Plaza-
Branch Manager number-0713184429
Kitengela office
Gate house next to gate petrol station
Branch Manager number-0714360403
Makueni office
Double K Plaza
Branch Manager number-0723817142
Tala office
Fiona Complex next to KWFT
Branch Manager number-0723688552
Kitui office
Fena House near mosque
Branch Manager number-0728160778
Kibwezi office
Tarabu House
Branch Manager number-0764903214
Mwingi office
Kasina House
Branch Manager number-0720382814
Masii office
Peter Mulei Building
Branch Manager number-0728390916
Nkubu office
Kariigi Plaza
Branch Manager number-0726731217
Kerugoya office
Opposite FEP
Branch Manager number-0727135624
Kiritiri office
Jodi Enterprises Bbuilding
Branch Manager number-0723110989
Nyeri office
Peak Business Centre
Branch Manager number-0725681446
Mwea office
Next to Co-op Bank
Branch Manager number-0738200988
Thika office
Biashara Plaza opp Equity plaza
Branch Manager number-0775277978
Matuu office
Free Market Store
Branch Manager number-0711118056
Murang’a office
Muguma Building next to Barclays bank

Branch Manager number-0702716323
Kiambu office
Geoma House opp Equity bank
Branch Manager number-0720738343
Meru office
BIMAS House Opp Barclays bank
Branch Manager number-0727384057
Chuka office
Nthiga Plaza next to KPLC
Branch Manager number-0724229395
Mikinduri office
Mwimbi Building
Branch Manager number-0714707666
Emali office
Next to post office
Branch manager number-0727102359
Laare office
Next to Smart Petrol Station
Branch Manager number-0701623622
Kasarani office
Pivoli Heights Building opp PCEA Kasarani Church-0711647436
Loitoktok office
Next to Metropolitan Sacco-0722168827
Limuru office
Next to Metropolitan Sacco-0729636080
33.Siakago office
Muriuki Building Opp Peko Petrol Station-0723592151
Rongai office
Next to Sony Driving School(0729376778)
Runyenjes office
Next to Mini Supermarket(0720211623)

Available Dates

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Working Hours

Now Closed UTC + 2
  • Monday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Sunday Day Off

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