Name of the organization: Century Microfinance Bank
Type of organization: Microfinance
Legal Status: Microfinance Bank
Chief Executive Officer: Mrs. Pauline Githugu
Contact information
Contact Person: Mrs. Pauline Githugu
Physical Address: KK Plaza, 1st Floor
New Pumwani Road, Gikomba
Postal address: P. O. Box 38319–00623Nairobi.
Telephone Number: Tel: (+254) 020 2664282
E-mail address:
To be the financial services provider of choice.
To provide unique, excellent, customer driven, accessible financial
services, restore the customers’ dignity, improve their standard of
living and increase value for our stakeholders.
Products and Services Offered
Saving products:
i. Bidii Savings Account
ii. Malaika Account
iii. Jumuiya Account
iv. Mapato Account
v. Karne Fixed Deposit Account
Loan Products:
i. Soko Loan (Business loan)
ii. Boresha Loans (Business Loans)
iii. Jijenge Loan (Projects Loan)
iv. Mazao Loan: (Agricultural Loan)
v. Mazao Factor Loan
vi. Dharura Loan: (Emergency Loan)
vii. LPO Financing
Target Group
Small and medium scale entrepreneurs. Actors in various agribusiness
value chains.
Business information (up to December 2014)
Outstanding portfolio (Ksh): 121,547,000
Total number of active clients: 8622
Total number of savers: 6466
Average first loan size (Ksh.): 10, 000
Minimum loan period (months): 1 months
Total Savings (Ksh.): 134,575,000
Active Female Clients (% of total): 52.44%
Female Savers (% of total): 52.44%
Current Average Loan Size (Ksh.): 70,000
Maximum Loan Period (months): 36 months
Branch networks
Gikomba Branch
Physical Address: KK Plaza, 1st Floor
New Pumwani Road
Postal address: P. O. Box 38319–00623 Nairobi.
Tel: (+254) 020 2664282
Contact person: Moses Njagi
Githunguri Branch
Physical address: Palmhouse Business Centre, Githunguri
Postal address: P. O. Box 38319–00623 Nairobi.
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