Name of organization: Dimkes sacco society
Legal status: Sacco
Our vision
To be a world class sacco in the finance industry anchored by christian
Our mission
To offer quality financial products and services through professionalism
and innovation to empower stakeholders and meet the diverse needs
of the community.
Products and services
Loan products
Mobile banking
Contact information
Head office
Bishop magua house second floor
Kiambu( next to ack st. James cathedral)
P.O box 886-00900 kiambu
Tel: 066-20-22521/22997
Mobile: 0711 436 969 / 0710 880 475
Other branches
Location: ack st john kangemi church
Tel: 0701 632 594
Location: seed house one, tel:0702-913-847
Location: bishop kariuki center wangige
Tel: 0702 913 853
Wangige town
Location: wamakumi building, tel: 0714-591-252
Location: davekon palace
Tel:0701 632 712
•Kikuyu branch
Location: muguku business centre, tel: 0702-913-850
•Ngong branch
Location: ador plaza, tel: 0702-913-851
•Kiserian branch
Location: joe shopping mall, tel: 0718-081-549
•Limuru branch
Location: jaskat plaza, tel: 0706-266-417
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